Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Boy am I Bad!

I'm really bad about blogging. We had a great weekend with our reunion. Lots of people couldn't make it this year but hopefully we will see them next year. The Jackson kids and Uncle Lon's kids were missing this year. I'm so worried about the Jackson's girl down there in the middle of a freakin hurricane. I want to take Keri a generator so she will have some kind of power. It will be 4 weeks till they get electricity. That sucks! I know when we were without electricity 4 or 5 days in the ice storm, we still had hot water. All the kids came and took showers here which was a Godsend. Lisa and Jeff send their Kerosene Heater over so it wasn't too bad. Toots basement got flooded. Buck burn up a generator I think. So we are pretty lucky here. Just Tornadoes and Floods. Back to the reunion--- I will post some pictures.