Thursday, September 27, 2007

Harvest time

Nick and Austin were excited about the corn field across the road. We went over and borrowed a couple of ears from the Waddingtons. Nick was asking if he could eat this corn. We can but it must be processed first. He thought it was sweet corn like his mama fixes for supper. The corn is planted in April as soon as it is safe from frost. The farmers hope they get enough rain to make it grow. Most corns are hybrids, that makes them drought resistant, produce large ears and other things. They make many things out of corn. Even make gasoline to run our cars. We grow alot of corn and beans in Illinois. Below are some pictures. My Dad along with both of my grandparents were farmers.

bean field

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Tractor with chisle plow

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grain bins for storage

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The Owaneco elevator

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loading the corn to take to elevator

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The corn picker with a hopper full

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Corn fields across from our house

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Medical Field?

Sid hurt his arm or wrist over the weekend on his bike and hurt it again playing football. Toots called the doctor and was waiting for the Dr to call back this morning so they could get a x-ray. They sent her and Sid to the building connected to Memorial Hospital for the x-ray. Here it is at 8:50 PM and there has been no one to read the damm x-rays all day? Two trauma hospitals within blocks of each other and no one to read the X-ray! I almost can understand if it had been T'ville Hospital. It is a good band aide stop then send them on to Spfld. Sid is just a tuff little boy! Thank God it is not a matter of life or death. I let you know what happens if they get the x-rays read!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


My son-in-law Doug taking a power nap
Grandma Retta counting the money so she can bid higher on a ugly bird house. Beverly was bidding against her. But the cousins kept bringing the money! Birdhouse went for $350.00
Travis and Buck. Buck and Jungle cook all the meat.
Matthew, Grant and Kilson giving the hula hoop a whirl
Step-cousins that are best friends
My beautiful blue-eyed Tatum
Ryan and Angie from Lousiana.
Delanley and Nick playing in the horseshoe pit
At breakfast Nancy and Phil
That is my cousin Joyce cuddling up with Grandpa Carroll
Lee Fisher, Crandpa Carroll cousin Aunt Lucy and Norma Lou
Keri and Dixie Nick and Austin
My cousin Jr and his friend Sue
My cousin Ruth Lucy
Maria and Lonny cutting the rug on Saturday night
Jan and Roy and Marian
Tatum on her cooler skooter
Kilson and Dave Brother and sisterly love Toots and Trav
Robert's cute little girl Maddie Murdle
The hummers didn't seem to mind all the family flitting around.