Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Day with Aunt Lucy

Aunt Lucy is my dad's baby sister. She was 80 years old in January. She is amazing woman. Her husband died about 30 years ago. She raised five children, lost one of the twins in death. After Uncle Kenny died she reminded me of a flower blooming. She ran the farm, worked at the school cafeteria, went on trips with her girlfriends, enjoyed her kids, neices and nephews. She is the closes loving person that I have as a mother. She makes everyone feel special. My cousin Norma always gives me flack that Aunt Lucy loves her more. I just remind her that Aunt Lucy loves me more but Norma is older so she loved her longer. Aunt Lucy has always been there for me when my own mother was too busy to be bothered. Like I said --- she is amazin! Today, Aunt Lucy had a doctor's appointment---a checkup on her knee replacement. Doing great. She has had both knees done now. Carroll and I went to Griggsville to see her friend with her. He is in a self assisted living home. We sat on the porch and visited with him and his daughter for a couple of hours and came home to our house and then she drove 30 miles to her home. I hope I'm like her when I grow up.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friday night, my daughter Toots and I took 12 boys to a Batting cage in Springfield for Sid's 10th birthday. I had a ball. One of Sid's friends crawled in front seat and I told him he had to hold my purse and my Pepsi. He wasn't long in getting out of there and telling Toots that that old lady was crazy. He did get back in. Those 5 boys giggles, sang rap? and told stories. Next they were calling me Granny, then Grammy and that turned into Grammy Cracker, My new name.